Translations Technical
Technical manuals

The completion of projects normally involves the preparation of engineering documents, generally issued before sending the system or machine, or prepared specifically for training personnel.

These documents, which can include machine, system or accessory equipment monographs, installation, operation and maintenance manuals, or special programs for technical assistance, are all entirely developed by Prisma including engineering, graphics and editorial content.

Engineering documentation is edited on the basis of the customer's needs, keeping well in mind the importance and the degree of depth that he intends to give the product.

  Use and maintenance manuals
Manuals are not optional anymore!
Use and Maintenance Manuals, conforming to European directives (Machine Directive 98/37/CE) and other international standards are supplied in direct relation to your needs and operator safety. Prisma has the experience to help you through the entire manual development process and especially: in tracking down the information and the regulations to observe; in designing the documentation; in designing the graphic and editorial content of the manual; in publishing the manual in Italian and in its destination languages; in the on-going updating of the manual; and finally publishing the manual in its electronic format.

  Spare parts catalogues
What's the part number? What's the price?
Clarity and simplicity are the fundamental requirements in the preparation of a spare parts catalogue. Production of a catalogue requires precision, coherence and organizational ability, all ingredients that Prisma makes available to our customers. Prisma can assist you in producing both the traditional paper catalogue and its natural evolution into an electronic version on CD-ROM, which makes identifying and ordering spare parts even faster.  

  Section and perspective drawings in color
Seeing is believing! Illustrations sell!
Drawings are especially useful for companies who need to illustrate a system or machine that is not yet built, displaying its main characteristics in relief. Three-dimensional models of machinery, in addition to being printed can also be used to create animations for the purpose of simulating the functions of the machine itself.

  Personnel training materials
Neither too little nor too much!
For each, the information they need!
In addition to providing the documentation that accompanies the equipment, Prisma will also be your ideal partner in developing training courses for the personnel responsible for running, maintaining, repairing and overhauling the equipment. We take primary responsibility for the production of didactic materials including handouts, slides, charts and, in general, all the support material required for training personnel.

  Quality system manuals
Globalization is the name of the game … be a player!
An essential step towards achieving ISO 9000 certification is, without doubt, the creation of a Quality Management System Manual for your company along with the related procedures.

Prisma, having traveled this road since 1995, has the expertise to provide support both for setting up the program as well as publishing the documentation to companies who do not have sufficient energy and expertise in-house to deal with writing the Quality Manual by themselves.

   © 2008 PRISMA srl - P.zza G. Savonarola, 3/3 - 16129 Genova (GE) - ITALY - P.IVA/VAT IT03125860100